Over the past few years, The Association of West Kootenay Rock Climbers (TAWKROC) has acquired two significant parks in Castlegar (Kinnaird and Waterline). We purchased these through a mixture of community donations and grants. We keep them open for the public to use. Although they are rock climbing areas, they are also used by hikers, school groups, etc.
We are currently fundraising maintenance and improvements at these two parks. Most years we run a climbing festival at the Lions Head Pub and that’s our main fundraiser for the year, however due to covid we ran a socially distanced silent auction last year. Last year’s event went so well we are doing it again this year!
This year’s silent auction will run from March 1st to March 7th, 2022. Last year’s event was a huge success and this year’s event is lining up to be even bigger, with more great prizes. All proceeds help support ongoing ownership of Kinnaird and Waterline as well as other climbing access projects in the West Kootenay.
You can join the silent auction here https://www.facebook.com/groups/473064703707537/
A big thanks to all of our donors and everyone in the climbing community coming together to support local climbing access!!