IMG_2788-smTAWKROC was formed in 2010 and became a registered non-profit in 2016. Our purpose is to encourage and promote the stewardship and preservation of public access for rock climbing sites in the West Kootenay Region of British Columbia. Society activities include promoting environmentally sensitive standards for new and existing cliff and mountain areas through best practice guidelines, and overseeing and funding trail and route development and maintenance. TAWKROC is a chapter member of CASBC (the Climbers Access Society of BC).

If you would like to become a member ($10 annually) visit our membership page.

Additionally, consider making a donation to the organization to help fund these initiatives by sending an Interac e-Transfer to .

Alternatively, you can send a cheque made out to TAWKROC, and mail to: TAWKROC, 607 – 622 Front Street, Nelson BC, V1L 4B7