New Access Trail for Hail Mary Wall

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Yesterday directors of TAWKROC, including Bob Sawyer, David Lussier and Vince Hempsall finalized cutting in a trail at Kinnaird Bluffs that links Yellow Sling Wall to Hail Mary Wall.

This was a result of the “No Trespassing” sign recently put up on the private property that many people crossed through to access Hail Mary. Now it’s an easy 3-minute hike from the “High Heels” route. (Page 39 in the West Kootenay Rock Guide guidebook.) The trail follows a line of orange flagging tape and sticks to the property that TAWKROC now owns.

Huge thanks to Bob “Bulldozer” Sawyer who dedicated 19 hours to this project!

To make a donation to help with further trail building, retrobolting and new routing, please visit our donation page.

Here are photos from yesterday’s work party: